A vigorous walking “Let’s find a sparrow in Suzume” will be held from 9 am on February 18th (Sunday).

A vigorous walking “Let’s find a sparrow in Suzume” will be held from 9 am on February 18th (Sunday). The course is about 7 kilometers from Flag Elementary School, Sparrow’s Inn Green Park, 4th Hino Elementary School. The cost is 100 yen. Those who wish to participate, please come to Flagham elementary school directly at cost from 9:00 am to 9:30 am on the day. Facebook

Cable TV Shinagawa Shinagawa’s Chikara “One hundred scenes of new snow fascinating artists” has been uploaded to youtube.

Cable TV Shinagawa Shinagawa’s Chikara “One hundred scenes of new snow fascinating artists” has been uploaded to youtube. Shinagawa Artist Pianist: Tomoko Kamejima Illustrator: Ichiro Kamiya Expression Butoh House: Mr. Hwa Has been appeared. Please have a look! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPNufRjwrL0 Facebook

Wow! Shinagawa A charming outgoing project, “Excavation! Shinagawa Ayu Heritage (Umaidi-san) Project” is a Web video introducing shops and foods with historical and cultural significance dotted along the old Tokaido, Published in bilingual Japanese and English.

Wow! Shinagawa A charming outgoing project, “Excavation! Shinagawa Ayu Heritage (Umaidi-san) Project” is a Web video introducing shops and foods with historical and cultural significance dotted along the old Tokaido, Published in bilingual Japanese and English. Please take a look. https://t.co/izBrCrDNjV Facebook

Eternal story Yamamoto Andy Aya Exhibition

Eternal story Yamamoto Andy Aya Exhibition Period: Saturday, February 24, 2018 – Sunday, March 6, 2018 15: 00-23: 00 Admission: Free Venue: Samesuzu ARTnSHELTER 【Overview】 Three years passed since I lived with my grandfather of dementia Our ‘Today’ will be the same as a fairytale I do not know if it is tomorrow’s who’s talking, but really it was our day we will never be the same again It was our magic that we can believe in “eternity” only things that can not be read back can not be read back In this exhibition, the writer himself considers “eternity of memory” about her daily life with her grandfather who suffered […]


大井町ポップカルチャーフェスタ2018 開催日時:2018年3月4日(日) 11:00~17:00 ※小雨決行 会  場:大井町駅前 大井駅前中央通り(どんたく通り)・ペデストリアンデッキ 入場料金:無料 プログラム: ★スペシャルライブショー(閲覧無料) 【壱師美穂メインステージ】16:00〜 【他ステージ】12:00〜16:00 ★大日本プロレスがやってくる!(閲覧無料) 【プロレスコーナー】12:30〜15:30 ★コスプレイヤー大募集! 【コスプレブース】11:00〜17:00 レイヤー:1,000円、カメラマン:1,500円 当日参加OK! ★大井町に痛車が大集合! 【痛車展示コーナー】11:00〜17:00 ★全国のもえキャラ大集合! 【ポップカルチャーブース】11:00〜17:00 ★おいしいグルメ満載!! 【キッチンカー】11:00〜17:00 詳細はこちら http://oimachi-pcf.com/ Facebook

Application for “vacant house consultation” application is under way! A consultation meeting by a judicial scrivener is held for owners and managers of vacant houses etc. in the district.

Application for “vacant house consultation” application is under way! A consultation meeting by a judicial scrivener is held for owners and managers of vacant houses etc. in the district. February 26 (Monday), 1st pm 2 o’clock – hour 30 min, 2 pm 2:45 pm – 3:15 pm. The venue is Shinagawa ward office 354 meeting room and others. For details, go to ward HP. https://t.co/EW3yHuCLcf Facebook