A story presented by people related to Shinagawa.

A story presented by people related to Shinagawa, including Miyaji Katsura.

BGM and sound effects will be delivered with live shamisen and shakuhachi performances.

☆There is an after talk show by all performers
~ Stay tuned ~

[Appearance] Miyaji Katsura, Mari Sakai, Kosumi Katsura, Hirokazu Matsumoto
[Screenplay] Kazuhiro Inada


/ Now On Sale! \ 📖 Reading drama 📖 ~"Stories, stories, stories" around Shinagawa~ A story presented by people related to Shinagawa 🍁 🎫 2,500 yen (1,000 yen for high school students and younger) 🕔 13:30 open 14:00 start 🏢 Square Ebara Hiratsuka Hall [Appearance ] Miyaji Katsura, Maru Sakai, Kosumi Katsura, Hirokazu Matsumoto [Screenplay] Kazuhiro Inada https://t.co/Lc5pTg2B6K https://t.co/aFFK2nHQ0d