Community support project activity introduction

<Shinagawa Business Club Crowdfunding [Cacao husks as miscellaneous goods! ? 】>

Making effective use of Meiji cacao husks (cocoa bean skins), which has not been actively used until now,
Combining fabula's new material with Urushirindo's lacquer,
We have recreated miscellaneous goods such as coasters, bowls, and tiles.
Through the creation of new cacao value, everyone involved in cacao,
Open up the future of cacao.

For details, please visit our website.

Public Relations and Public Hearing Division Telephone 03-5742-6043 FAX 03-5742-6870

#I #wa_shinagawa #shinagawa #shinagawa #shinagawa ward #shinagawa business club #crowdfunding #cacao husk #recreation

Shinagawa City Official Instagram「wa.shinagawa」