<Living Studio Hitokufuu>
Seikatsu Kobo Hitokufu is an organization that aims to realize an environment where all people can be respected as individuals, improve their own quality of life, and live rich and meaningful lives.
Spring event "Stop smartphone fraud"! !
We will invite two experts to give a lecture on security measures that cover new tricks such as smartphone fraud.
For details, please visit our website.
For details of "Wa! Shinagawa Charm Discovery Project 2023",
Have a look at this.
Public Relations and Public Hearing Division Telephone 03-5742-6043 FAX 03-5742-6870
#Washinagawa #wa_shinagawa #shinagawa #shinagawa #product #product #life workshop hitokufuu #charm discovery project
Shinagawa City Official Instagram「wa.shinagawa」