[Accepting applications] 6/4 (Sun) Lecture for adults "Animal Environment Conference SDGs Talked by Animals"
Lecturer: Ian Tsutsui (Original author and General Producer of Animal Environment Conference)
#Ecole Adult Course Today, humans are eager to solve various problems with technology, but will the future of the earth really be okay?
By thinking from an animal's point of view, we will remove the framework of preconceived notions and nurture the ability to design the future by ourselves.
Not only for the global environment, but also for those who are interested in design thinking and human resource development!
Date and time: 6/4 (Sun) 14: 00-15: 30
●Venue: 3F multi-purpose space ●Target: High school students to adults ●Capacity: 60 people *Participation is free *Application period has been extended and changed to first-come, first-served basis
▼Applications are being accepted at the website or at the counter▼
<Instructor profile>
I would like to develop human resources who can think freely and creatively by thinking from an animal's point of view, removing the framework of preconceived notions. Currently, we are developing the “World! In 2022, the concept book “Animal SDGs” will be published.
<From the lecturer>
Adults always fall into the “thinking pattern of wanting to solve immediate problems”. However, the repetition of "I was able to solve the immediate problem, but I created a new problem" has made the situation worse. We suggest what you need to do to prevent that failure from happening again.
#animal conference
#Let's protect the earth
#design thinking
#Human resource development
# Try to change your point of view
#animal #earth #sdgs
#Ecole #Shinagawa Ward Environmental Learning Exchange Facility #Togoshi Park #Togoshi Ginza #Ebaramachi #Nakanobu #Oimachi #Osaki #Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Environmental Conservation #Environmental Education #Experience Learning #Lifetime Learning #Shinagawa #wa_shinagawa #shinagawa #shinagawa #shinagawa #shinagawa ward
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