[Kyoko Morisawa, Mayor of Shinagawa Ward] Declared a supporter for children’s center

Shinagawa Ward will continue to make every effort to realize a "children's center" society and "Shinagawa where everyone can feel fulfilled and live in their own way."

What is Kodomo Central Supporter?

At the Children's and Family Affairs Agency, we sympathize and agree with the purpose of "Children's Center", which is to always think about what is best for children and to realize a society where children can grow up in good health and happiness. In addition to supporting , individuals, local governments, organizations, companies, etc. who are also working on actions themselves are positioned as "Children's Center Supporters."

#washinagawa #wa_shinagawa #shinagawa #shinagawa #shinagawa ward #children's mannaka

General Affairs Division Secretary (03-3777-1111)

Shinagawa City Official Instagram「wa.shinagawa」