[Shinagawa City Hero: An important lesson: Take care of resources]

A mysterious department deep underground at Shinagawa Ward Office! ?
The trio is rumored to be able to solve the problems of anxious residents.

Shinagawa Ward's unofficial hero "Aishiteyamanai Division"
We are teaching children the importance of resources by defeating plastic monsters.

Delivered on Shinagawa City's official YouTube channel "Shinagawa Net TV"!
Please take a look

#Washinagawa #wa_shinagawa #Shinagawa #shinagawa #Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Aishitemanai Division #Shinagawa Ward unofficial hero

Public Relations and Public Hearing Division Telephone: 03-5742-6043 FAX: 03-5742-6870

Shinagawa Ward official Instagram “wa.shinagawa”