Today, the Osaki Disaster Prevention Festa, a community-based disaster prevention event, was held around Iki Shrine and Osaki Station.
While walking around Osaki, visit 7 checkpoints, collect passwords, and get goods!
At each checkpoint, we had fire extinguisher training and a cardboard bed experience, allowing us to have fun learning about disaster prevention.
Mayor Morisawa also had the opportunity to experience lamp making with the help of students from Osaki Junior High School.
*The fourth photo is of #Osaki Ichibantaro #Nonko #Spanky giving Mayor Morisawa a high five as he left the venue ♥
#Washinagawa #wa_shinagawa #Shinagawa #shinagawa #Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Kyoko Morisawa #Shinagawa Ward Mayor #Disaster Prevention Festa #Disaster Prevention #Osaki
General Affairs Division Secretary (03-3777-1111)
Shinagawa Ward official Instagram “wa.shinagawa”