[Mayor of Shinagawa Ward, Kyoko Morisawa]

Baby Seal 🦭 Nickname Vote

The baby seal, born in February of this year, has changed from being covered in white newborn fur to a sesame-patterned body color, and its weight, which was about 5 kg at birth, has grown to about 10 kg (as of April 10, 2024).

At Shinagawa Aquarium,
Voting for the nickname will be accepted until May 19th 💡
Participants will be asked to choose one of the three names chosen by the zookeepers: "Asahi," "Nagi," or "Shibuki."
(As a special bonus, everyone who votes will receive a picture of a baby seal 🎁)

Please come to Shinagawa Aquarium and enjoy watching the babies grow day by day!

You can also see the spring special exhibition "Pick up a shell and string it up – Shina Water Shell Exhibition" until May 6th.

#Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Mayor #Kyoko Morisawa #Shinagawa Aquarium #Seal #Nickname Vote #Cute #Soothing

Secretary, General Affairs Division (03-3777-1111)

Shinagawa Ward official Instagram "wa.shinagawa"