Today, July 26th (Friday), the Shinagawa Ward Community Brightening Movement's central conference, the "Gathering of Ward Love," was held at the Curian Small Hall.
This year marked the 74th anniversary of the event, and awards were given to children and students who had achieved outstanding results in volunteer activities, community contribution activities, sports, culture, and more. The event concluded with a commemorative chorus performance by the Yamanaka Choir from Yamanaka Elementary School.
** The Bright Society Movement is a nationwide movement advocated by the Ministry of Justice, in which all citizens deepen their understanding of crime and delinquency prevention and the rehabilitation of those who have committed crimes, and join forces in their respective positions to build a bright society free of crime and delinquency.**
#Shinagawa #Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Bright Society Movement #Central Conference #Congratulations on the award #Rehabilitation Protection #Stop your feet when you think
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