[Kyoko Morisawa, mayor of Shinagawa]

As part of human resource development,
Logic model creation training was conducted.

participant is,
Through five training sessions, we learned how to create and use logic models.

In the final episode,
The participants explained the logic model they created in collaboration with their colleagues and other stakeholders to Mayor Morisawa and Deputy Mayor Horikoshi.

Participants commented that the benefits of creating a logic model included "being able to visualize the objectives and means of the measures" and "being able to take stock of our work."

And he declared his determination, saying, "I'm going to use this at work from now on!"

*A logic model is a visualization of the logical causal relationships that lead to a policy achieving its objective.

#Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Kyoko Morisawa #Wellbeing #Logic model #Human resource development

Secretary, General Affairs Division (03-3777-1111)