[Kyoko Morisawa, mayor of Shinagawa]

"Shinagawa Ward's unique emergency heat stroke countermeasures!!"

In order to respond to this disaster-level heatwave, we are taking unique emergency measures against heatstroke starting today, Tuesday, August 6th, by utilizing reserve funds budgeted for disaster prevention!
A media briefing was held today.

Chilled bottled water will be distributed free of charge at 75 ward facilities, including the ward office, libraries, and summer shelters. Cooling packs and salt tablets will also be provided for first aid purposes.

○ Cancellation fees for outdoor park sports facilities will be waived when heatstroke alerts are issued.

○ Air-conditioned facilities, such as a room at the Silver Center, will be made available free of charge as a place for elderly people to avoid heatstroke.

○ On days when the heat index exceeds 31, sports activities, including club activities and swimming lessons, will be canceled in principle.

The record heatwave is putting strain on medical facilities due to the need for emergency transports.
We will implement the necessary measures swiftly with a strong sense of urgency to protect the lives and health of our residents!

#Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Kyoko Morisawa #Heat stroke #Summer shelter

Secretary, General Affairs Division (03-3777-1111)