[Kyoko Morisawa, mayor of Shinagawa]

Water dispenser for my bottle/

In order to reduce plastic waste, Shinagawa Ward is calling for commercial facilities and businesses to install water dispensers for personal bottles and is providing subsidies for the installation costs.

Today, I visited Willa Oi 2, a shopping mall in front of Oi Racecourse, which was the first project to be built through the grant.

It is located on the 3rd floor, so please feel free to use it when you visit Willa Oi 2!
Also great as a water supply spot to prevent heatstroke⭕️

#Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Kyoko Morisawa #Wellbeing #My Bottle #Water Supply #Willa Oi Official Mascot Character #Willaco

Secretary, General Affairs Division (03-3777-1111)