A course that aims to realize "a society where people can live fairly regardless of their sexual identity."Everyone has their own reasons for coming out.
What are the current social circumstances behind whether or not to come out? We would like to think together with the participants about how to respond when someone comes out to them at school, work, or by family or friends.
Course title: "How should I respond when someone comes out to me?"
Speaker: Mr. Muneshige Matsuoka (Representative Director of the General Incorporated Association fair)
Date and time: Monday, September 30th, 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Venue: Shinagawa Ward Gender Equality Promotion Center, 5-18-1 Higashioi (Curian 3rd floor)
Capacity: 20 people each at the venue and online (first come, first served)
For details, please see the Shinagawa Ward website.
#Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Promotion of gender equality #LGBTQ #Coming out
Human Rights and Gender Equality Promotion Division Tel: 03-5479-4104