Shinagawa City Run 2025 MC decided!

The MC for the Shinagawa City Run 2025, to be held on Sunday, March 9, 2025, has been decided to be Takumi Okada, a personality on FM Shinagawa's Shinagawa One Radio.
Mr. Okada is a runner himself and is a popular MC at running events. He will be at the venue all day to liven up the Shinagawa City Run!

For more details about the Shinagawa City Run, please see the event's special website.

<Shinagawa City Run 2025 Participants Wanted>
For more details, please check the special tournament website.
Click here to enter →
[Application period]
Sunday, September 1, 2020 – Thursday, October 31, 2020

#Shinagawa Ward #Shinagawa #Marathon #Shinagawa City Run