\Women's neighborhood association and community council presidents gather in the ward/
The purpose of this exchange meeting is to promote the formation of horizontal connections and the participation of women in neighborhood and community association activities by having female chairpersons of neighborhood and community associations in the ward exchange ideas across district boundaries.
They also exchange opinions on common issues and aim to spread the case studies being undertaken by other neighborhood associations and local community groups.
The theme of this second event is "Measures to promote women's participation in improving regional disaster prevention capabilities"
Each chairperson introduced examples of their daily activities that focus on women, and examples of events such as summer festivals and mochi-pounding that incorporate disaster prevention elements.
#Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Ward Mayor #Kyoko Morisawa #Town Association #Local Community Association #Female Chairperson #Disaster Prevention #Female Perspective #Stockpile #Evacuation Drill #Horizontal Connections
Secretary, General Affairs Division (03-3777-1111)