Gender Equality Promotion Course

Life lessons for men

"Male Studies, Past and Future"

Aren't men facing difficulties in life because they are men? We will be talking about the difficulties men face in life and what the future holds for men.
There is a history of men's liberation, men's studies, and masculinity research, but it seems that they have not yet spread sufficiently throughout society. I would like to reconsider the current issues surrounding men from the basics.

[Lecturer] Shunsuke Sugita (critic)
[Date and time] Friday, February 28th, 6:30pm – 8:30pm
[Venue] Shinagawa Ward Gender Equality Promotion Center Conference Room (Curian 3F)
5-18-1 Higashioi
[Capacity] 20 people each at the venue and online (first come, first served)

For details, please see the Shinagawa Ward website.

#Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Difficulty in living #Lifestyle #Men's issues #Men #Gender #Gender equality

Human Rights and Gender Equality Promotion Division Tel: 03-5479-4104