[Kyoko Morisawa, mayor of Shinagawa]

"Rice Support Project for Families with Children"

This project distributes 2 kilograms of rice for each elementary and junior high school student to households with children who apply in advance.
In addition to providing free school lunches, the program aims to provide uninterrupted food support to families with children by distributing rice even during the summer vacation when there are no school lunches.

By handing the cards directly at the children's center, the aim is to encourage communication with staff and lead to the early identification and support of problem children and families.

Distribution of the rice began today, and the number of applications has exceeded initial expectations.

We hope that this initiative will reach children who are facing challenges, including food issues during the summer vacation.

*The rice we distribute is produced in Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture, which has a partnership agreement with Shinagawa Ward.

#Shinagawa #Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Kyoko Morisawa #Children's food support

Secretary, General Affairs Division (03-3777-1111)