[Shinagawa City Run 2025 Sponsoring Company Networking Event]

On Friday, September 6th, a networking event for sponsoring companies of Shinagawa City Run 2025 was held at CITY HALL & GALLERY GOTANADA.
Many of the sponsors attended the event, with a total of about 100 participants filling the venue. We will continue to work closely with the sponsors to make the event even more exciting, with the aim of holding the event in March of next year.

<Shinagawa City Run 2025 Participants Wanted>
For more details, please check the special tournament website.
Click here to enter → https://shinagawa-cityrun.jp/entry/
[Application period]
Sunday, September 1, 2020 – Thursday, October 31, 2020

#Shinagawa Ward #Shinagawa #Marathon #Shinagawa City Run