As part of professional sports cooperation business of Shinagawa-ku, we held basketball & futsal classroom on Sunday, June 18, 2023 at second Nobeyama Elementary School (1-6-1, Hatanodai).
Classes taught by active professional athletes from Shinagawa Ward's first professional sports club "Shinagawa City Futsal Club (F1 League)" and "Shinagawa City Basketball Club (B3 League)".
Futsal class instructors are Kenya Sato and Nobuteru Mima of Shinagawa City Futsal Club.
Tomohiro Sano, head coach of the Shinagawa City Basketball Club, and Akihiro Ono, are the instructors for the basketball class.
A parent said, "My child plays basketball and soccer at school, but it was a valuable experience to be taught by professional coaches and players, and it was good to be taught the basics of shooting and dribbling. I am,” he said happily.
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Shinagawa City Official Instagram「wa.shinagawa」