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nice! 0
Today, the last regular press conference of 2020 was held.
◯About the ordinance to promote gender equality and respect for sexual diversity ◯About the removal of income restrictions for the hearing aid purchase subsidy system for the elderly ◯About the expansion of the HPV vaccination subsidy ◯About the reopening of the Shinagawa History Museum Explanation of the above topics Did.
To watch the press conference, please watch "Shinagawa City Official Channel Shinagawa Net TV" on YouTube.
At a later date, it will also be distributed in sign language and with captions.
#Washinagawa #wa_shinagawa #Shinagawa #shinagawa #Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Mayor #Kyoko Morisawa #Regular press conference
Shinagawa Ward official Instagram “wa.shinagawa”