[Lecture and cooking class by chef Masahiro Kasahara at Ebara First Junior High School]

On Wednesday, August 21, 2024, an intensive summer learning course was held at Shinagawa Ward's Ebara Daiichi Junior High School, featuring a lecture and cooking class by chef Masahiro Kasahara, an alumnus of the school.

Kasahara began by giving a lecture to about 150 eighth graders. He said, "If you are passionate about one thing and keep working hard at it, you will have unexpected and wonderful encounters," and spoke about the importance of having dreams in your work, as well as stories of how he turned failure into success, and the importance of working hard. The students listened attentively.

In the next cooking class, each group made miso soup while watching Kasahara's practical skills. The students tried their hand at cooking while keeping in mind Kasahara's advice to "cut the tofu evenly." Afterwards, the students tasted the soup together with the teacher, and many of them asked for seconds.

This course is a form of pre-career learning in preparation for the work experience scheduled for the new year, and aims to provide an opportunity for the students to dream about working by learning about Kasahara's struggles and the process of how he has achieved his accomplishments.

After listening to the lecture, one male student said with an impressed look on his face, "I realized that it's important to never give up and to keep trying." A female student, who actually tasted the miso soup she had prepared, said with a big smile, "It tasted different from the miso soup I make at home, and it was delicious."

#Shinagawa #Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Ebara First Junior High School #Cooking class #Masahiro Kasahara