[Shinagawa Ward Mayor Kyoko Morisawa] Orange Project ~Orange Festa 2023~

This is a dementia awareness event that can be enjoyed by people with and without dementia, adults and children alike.

There were people with dementia selling their creations and a dementia cafe booth, and we spoke to all of the booths.
At one of the booths, I posted a message on an awareness poster with the message, “Toward Shinagawa Ward, where even if you develop dementia, you can live in peace with the warm care of the community!''

From now on, we will be holding a fantastic candle night from 18:30 to 19:00! !
It will be held at Shinagawa Central Park, so please come and have fun.

#Washinagawa #wa_shinagawa #Shinagawa #shinagawa #Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Orange Project #September World Alzheimer's Month #Dementia Month

Shinagawa Ward official Instagram “wa.shinagawa”